
NAMACH clarifies the fact of the dispute with the World Food Program

Four years later, the arms of humanitarian action are being waged against Yemenis after international organizations working in the humanitarian field have provided themselves the only savior of the tragedy which comes as result of the war imposed on the Yemeni people .

Time factor was the main reason that makes people knows the truth of these organization, but actually that did not appear at once, but in different stages between the authorities and concerned authorities in Sana’a and some organizations.

Because the situation today goes with people who are against aggression where the military war has failed with them as well as the economic siege.

So the enemy is now placing its bets on the humanitarian side through its soft claws, especially The World Food Program, which turned from a neutral bearer of relief and humanitarian work to a part of aggression where that appears on David Beasley’s statement who is director of the World Food Program and his continuous accusations of Sana’a when authorities refused to pass the corruption of the program and suspicious demands that have nothing to do with relief work and the mandate of the work of the international organization.

In response to these developments, Al-Massira newspaper had to inform its readers about the latest developments and where the discussions reached and what the authorities are doing in Sana’a.

We met with the acting chairman of the National Commission for Humanitarian Affairs, Mr. Abdulmohsen Al-Tawoos.

First of all, Mr. Abdulmohsen Al-Tawoos, can you tell us  the latest developments in the humanitarian arena, especially the problems with the World Food Program? Where have discussions with the program reached?


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, we welcome the Al-Massirah newspaper, which keeps pace with all the developments, in fact what we want to clarify is that the problems that exist with the World Food Program, most of Yemeni people are familiar with the latest developments, but we were surprised by the suspension of the World Food Program for its work in Sana’a governorate.

This step is considered folly by the program. we have an understanding, and we had meetings and discussions, the last one was before the announcement of the suspension last Wednesday.

We registered with a delegation sent by the program, Rihani and Deputy David, and we reached sound solutions; because the point of disagreement is not in the form that calls the program to stop its work and stop it’s assistance ,but taking this step proved us that the goal is not related to what the program is asking about the points of disagreement that we did not agree with, namely the issue of taking beneficiaries’ data and delivering humanitarian aid to its beneficiaries.

This is the point of disagreement with us. We do not  mind fingerprint issue where our letter on 6/6 proves  this

We explained to them that we have no objection to the implementation of the fingerprint, but in a way that guarantees the dignity of the Yemeni citizen, and also does not prejudice the sovereignty of the country and the laws of the Republic Yemeni, this is the point of contention.

Although Rihani promised that we will reach a solution, and he also will tell his superiors in this, but on the second day we were surprised by the suspension of the program for its activities in Sana’a province.

On the last press conference you talked about the corruption of the World Food Program and you have given some information, we want you to detail the information on the salaries of the operational budget of WFP staff and the level of corruption in this organization?

As for operating expenses, approximately $ 200 million is salaries and operating expenses, as I spoke at the press conference. Etc. We will provide you with documents proving this from their agreements in the program. Where did you get these documents to let people make sure of that ?


This is the information we got from the program when the program provides in his project when he presents it to donors and the United Nations. SO there are two billion and one hundred and eighty million provided in food aid. where a detailed budget for it in the agreement, and this agreement is delivered to us.        We took it from his agreement. We have copy of it. The program actually admits that .

It does not deny that these take and the policy-making committee of the treaty states determines these expenses, and the point of disagreement here.

How much total assistance does WFP provide? What is the percentage of materials damaged in this aid? Approximately 950,000 baskets, ie, they do not exceed one million food baskets. As for the damaged items, we do not have a specific percentage, but we can say that there is not a single shipment of damaged items. – A recent



used the bank paper ,and the salaries of employees, and the transfer paper of the Central Bank and all aspects that affect the Economic.

This humanitarian action is one of the cards through which the enemy wants to reach the Yemeni kneeling and pressure on them.

When we talk to them about these points they say that we will destroy them, we tell them no matter of destroying it , the matter is why you buy corrupt materials and come to destroy them while the money owed to the Yemeni people.

The solution is why you don’t buy valid materials be the least thing by 75% quality .We also gave them  solutions regarding the issue of paying the beneficiary in cash, or buying food from local traders while ensuring that the aggression states are not instructed to close the seaports so that the foodstuffs do not reach the merchants, They should be responsible as well as the agreement .

Or the bag of flour which often comes full of insects and worms turns into renaissance projects such as supporting the agricultural side, supporting vital wealth, so that they are sustainable projects where the Yemeni people are not relying on this bag.

Rejecting all these issues lead to the pressure of using the fingerprint system, and that it is he who is in charge of the fingerprint system . Even though we demanded to correct the imbalances.

They resorted to adopting the pressure paper to stop the aid in Sana’a and make  pressure  on the authority to concede more. We told them that these are red lines where we cannot  give up the dignity issue of the Yemeni ,cannot be underestimated.

Yemeni people will never accept to be a bag of flour in exchange for handing  their full information to the World Food Program, which operates within the Saudi, Emirati and American who are considered the financiers and donors first.

So Yemeni people know and understand that the program works as a supplier to donor who are aggressors. We asked this representative of the program and told him what do you think the Yemeni people will explain your insistence on taking the fingerprint system from them and taking their information, while you work for the Emirati and Saudi.

Do you think that the Yemeni people will accept that?


we have given you all other alternatives . people will know that you are working For the financier and the aggressor, not for humanitarian action.  Of course, in light of the catastrophic humanitarian crisis, some believe that NAMCHA stands firm of its position will reflect negatively on the humanitarian situation, so that food prices are expected to rise if the work of the program stops, what are the precautions? Do you take this into account and what actions are you preparing to take?

The program today uses the same method used by the aggression, and the program thus becomes an integral part of the aggression, and it is natural to use aggression the humanitarian side after the military failure . SO by this action, the program  becomes a part of aggression .    and we say that this action the orientation and determination of the program is the implementation of the policy of America and the Saudi and Emirati regime in their war and their aggression on Yemen, which is one of the cards used by the aggression.

We rely on Allah  first and the patience and steadfastness of our people during these years of aggression, and also depends on the Yemeni people a lot.

In the real and serious tendency towards self-sufficiency through reliance on the agricultural side, livestock and alternative projects. there are also alternatives from the government considered to cover the poorest needy if the program insisted on suspending its work . we say that we as a Yemeni people and concerned about this people ,We will never bargain for the dignity of Yemenis in exchange for a delicate bag that sometimes arrives corrupt.


So far, it seems that the program is almost from its steps through its partial suspension despite the strongly worded position issued by you specifically. There are fears that the work of the program may move to Aden for example, or to stop working entirely.  What do you expect ?

The program considers the only loser, So the program cannot stop its work because it is the one who loses. it is a beneficiary and trades Yemeni pain and get great privileges. Actually this was not our choice, although we have given up too much. But we will not compromise the sovereignty of the country especially as the demands are not logical.

It confirms the validity of what we say that the program is an evasion of the imbalances that we demanded to correct, in corruption and the supply of food valid for Yemenis and expired and also in correcting the lists of beneficiaries through a clear mechanism to ensure this, and ensure the preservation of the dignity of Yemenis and ensure the sovereignty and laws of the public Of Yemen, and we assured them in the letter that was sent today to representative of WFP,  Stephen Anderson , which contains theme of  correction beneficiary lists and supply  food that is edible  for human use .

We were surprised to see WFP stop working in Sana’a governorate. The letter that we sent    yesterday includes   neutrality, limpidity, and correction of imbalance that we discussed with WFP .

  1. Commitment not to supply corrupt and expired food, respect for the dignity of the Yemeni human being and the principle of neutrality and transparency.
  2. Take the necessary measures to reduce imbalances and stop all forms of corruption and tamper with the assistance of the Yemeni people related to the work of the program.
  3. Affirm the commitment to correct the lists of beneficiaries and the application of the fingerprint system in accordance with a mechanism to ensure the delivery of aid to those in need in the same time respect the values ​​of Yemeni society, and the sovereignty and laws of the Republic of Yemen.

We also stressed that if the National Authority does not receive written commitments, it will unfortunately be forced to take the necessary legal measures to curb the exploitation the suffering of the Yemeni people and to stop tampering with their assistance.

What about the solutions that have been discussed with the program during the last period? Where is her fate?

Of course, as I mentioned earlier we had reached positive solutions with the delegation sent by the program on Wednesday.

We give  them  the options that we had previously suggested before.  we asked to reform the lists of beneficiaries, and the application of a fingerprint system, but through the competent authorities in Yemen through civil affairs and Yemeni authorities.

The y, of course, they refused, we said: Give us your system and go down together in correcting the lists of beneficiaries and take only the fingerprint, but the issue of fingerprint eye and fingerprint ten finger This is rejected altogether and in detail, but if fingerprints and data in the possession of the Commission; There is no intervention  to the program, it is only a humanitarian outlet to do a mission and may leave Yemen after a year after two years after a week. It  refused it.


We told them to put these Sivarat  separate building and enable the program full validity so as to be able to check all the information it wants , but the program  refused to do so.

it  wants to be in control of the Yemenis and the fingerprint system is the one who makes it, and he is the one who takes the fingerprint,  take the eye print, and fingerprint and to take fingerprints and data of the whole family.

We told them  fingerprint only to the head of the family. We made this clear to David when he said, “We take care of my privacy Peoples, and we know the privacy of the Yemeni people. ” I told  him: You do not observe the privacy of the people as you do not know the privacy of the Yemeni people at all.

He said ” you can know us and we will take care of this”?

I told him that the Yemeni people have the specificity of the authentic Arab people, which has diminished among many Arab peoples and I will give you an example, I am Yemeni  if ​​someone asked me the name of my mother cannot  give him other name . so how can I  accept To give you a picture of my wife, mother, daughter and sister to take them  to America, Bangladesh or Pakistan. this work is unacceptable and the Yemeni people cannot accept this. For example, what happened in Jawf governorate  when a UNICEF team went to an area in Jawf and asked one of the citizens there about the name of his mother ,  the man directly   beat  UNICEF staff member till he dead .. leading to his death.

It also violates Yemeni law, which considers this an infringement on the sovereignty of the country. Here, we also ask what are the justifications for the food program in this claim despite the preparations made by the NAMCHA  and the authorities in Sana’a? What are the justifications that the World Food Program (WFP) has always been trying to fall for?

The justifications he claims have nothing to do with the work, and the evidence is that today, in our conversation with the other organizations, we presented them with the subject and told them you could be a referee and a mediator between us. If what the program demands is a real justification for suspending its work, we are prepared to concede. We have a position and we will take this position against the program. You can see our message to the World Food Program, to know the difference between us and the World Food Program.  You have the right to publish it to Yemeni people  .  So as to inform them  on the reality of the problems that exist between us and the program .


There was a rejection of some of the employees as you spoke at the press conference, who are concerned about some of the security concerns; as spies or they belong to the Zionist entity, and here we want to know how many employees were rejected ?


This is part of the program’s attempts to infringe on sovereignty and reveals an innocent role. Almost 30 cases have been rejected over the past years to this date, a their names are with us,  if we have to, we will reveal their names if necessary.

To what extent can the World Food Program transfer  its work to Aden, especially in  lack of concern of the fugitive Hadi government of  safety of Yemenis?

Even if the program transfers its work there, the work that program wants is here, in occupied Aden, all the work of the organizations it wants to be here in areas under the control of the authorities in Sana’a, and the information they wants from these provinces.

SO can we  Understand from your words that there is no fear of the issue of transferring his work to Aden ?

There is no fear of the issue of transferring his work, but the issue of making a living and pressure on us more.

World Food Program, the largest partner in the United Nations in providing assistance . What is the position of the United Nations and the Office of Humanitarian Affairs here in Yemen about it ?.

The position of the United Nations is a known position. It  not only the subject of the program is now thorny. We have  the issue of prisoners and we know the position of the United Nations, the subject of the air medical bridge agreement known position of the United Nations, we also know the  position of the United Nations of  the agreement of Hodeida.

The program is among the problems in the topics of the United Nations For which no action is taken.


– What percentage of the World Food Program is damaged? How much is the size of the material you reach through it ?

We cannot determine that, but we confirm that no shipment of cargo arriving in Yemen every month is free of damaged and corrupt materials. In other words, the humanitarian aid that comes in one month is not without rotten or damaged food. What is the message that you would like to send to the United Nations or the World Food Program?

What is your message to the Yemeni people through Al-Masirah newspaper?

First, we assure them that we at the National  Authority are ready to cooperate with it  and provide all the facilities that enable it  to perform its humanitarian work in various governorates, and we advise the program  that it would expose itself  to great losses in all countries and not in Yemen; The humanitarian issue has departed from the issue of its humanitarian work into a political action that serves the agenda of the conspiratorial countries against Yemen and the aggressors against the Yemeni people.

My massage to Yemeni people, to trust in Allah  rely on the words of Allah  Almighty: (If you fear poverty , Allah will enrich you out of His bounty), Allah says: (no moving  creature is there  on earth but its provision is due from) .

We know the suffering of the Yemeni people, but to let the Yemeni people know that the suspension of the program of work is one of the cards used by the enemy to kneel the people on Yemen .

أعلى النموذج

أسفل النموذج


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