
Meeting discusses the level of performance at General Secretariat of SCMCHA.

Today’s meeting in Sana’a discussed the level of performance of the General Secretariat of SCMCHA and its branches in Amanat al Asema and Sana’a governorate during the past period as well as ways to improve performance and promote humanitarian work.

The meeting, chaired by The Council’s Secretary General Abdul Mohsen Tawoos in the presence of the heads of departments and directors-general, discussed what had been achieved in the previous period by reviewing the completion reports until last October, as well as urging the development of mechanisms of work , raising reports step by step, preparing and collecting the plan of human and developmental need for the coming year and completing the necessary procedures to work on the electronic system.

The Secretary General of the Council confirmed the importance of achieving and working according to chronic plans to raise the level of performance, ensure the best results that serve the interest of the work and contribute to its development.

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