
Conclusion of the expanded consultative meeting to discuss achieving the 2030 sustainable development objectives.

An expanded consultative meeting with government agencies, the private sector, and civil society organizations discussed the objectives of achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, organized by SCMCHA with UNDP.

The two-day expanded consultative meeting, with the participation of (115) representatives and participants from government agencies, the private sector and local organizations, reviewed the sustainable development objectives and identified sustainable development goals that are commensurate with the reality of Yemen during the current stage, which is living in the worst humanitarian crisis in the world as a result of the repercussions of the aggression and the blockade. .

The meeting, which was attended by the Head of the Planning and Evaluation Department of SCMCHA , Ali Al-Kahlani, the Vice President of the Executive Unit of the National Vision, Ali Al-Mutamiz, and representatives of government agencies, civil society institutions and organizations, and private sector companies, discussed the outlines of the main features of the directions of the next stage with regard to achieving those sustainable objectives in a way that adopts government instructions.

The meeting also reviewed the objectives of sustainable development, and work to achieve a number of goals consistent with the government’s directions.

The meeting’s recommendations stressed the importance of UN, represented by UNDP , to commit to working with the government and pushing towards achieving the sustainable development goals (2030), especially since the development process has been halted since the start of the aggression against

Yemen, from 2015 AD until now.



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