
Workshop discusses development needs plan.

The Executive Office of the National Vision Department and the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Management and Coordination and International Cooperation organized a workshop today to discuss the development needs plan derived from the first phase plan to implement the national vision “Resilience and Economic Recovery 2020”.

The workshop, with the participation of ministries and stakeholders, addressed the role of the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs and the Executive Office of the National Vision Department in determining funding priorities.

At the workshop, Deputy Prime Minister for National Vision Affairs, Head of the Executive Office of the National Vision Department Mahmoud Al Junaid, stressed the importance of a humanitarian development plan, which will help transform part of international assistance towards development issues, enhance productive capacity, and stimulate the national economy.

He pointed out the importance of coordinating efforts between those responsible for the humanitarian and development planning process to achieve the goals and aspirations of the society.

The deputy prime minister pointed out that the humanitarian and development response plan 2020 was made up of two axes, the first is humanitarian response issues and the second is development issues.

Al-Junaid stressed the importance of completing activities both at the level of the first interim plan , the humanitarian and development response plan, in accordance with the chronic operational plans of activities, initiatives and objectives.

“The circumstances that Yemen is going through as a result of the aggression and the economic blockade require concerted efforts and integration in order to achieve progress and loyalty to the blood of fighters in front fields who are making the most spectacular sacrifices in order to defend Yemen’s pride, independence and sovereignty,” he said.

“The effort that workers made in state institutions to achieve institutional and economic resilience is as important as the military battle,” he said.

Al-Junaid expressed the hope that the workshop will be enriched with a serious and thorough discussion to come up with results and recommendations that will help overcome the difficulties and challenges that may exist in the implementation process.

AbdulMohsen Tawoos, Secretary General of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation, stressed that development plan is the summary of the Supreme Council’s work with humanitarian stakeholders.
“Everyone knows th humanitarian disaster and a development disaster due to the siege and unjust aggression on Yemen five years ago, and we have made great efforts in the Supreme Council with the humanitarian community to prepare a humanitarian needs plan and those involved in preparing this plan have been summoned to discuss it,” he said.

He added the government will present the plan to the organizations and will be announced in the coming days.

The humanitarian response plan is part of economic recovery and a first phase of the national vision (a hand builds …hand protects) He stressed that the plan is a step towards implementing the national vision.

The workshop was attended by a number of officials in the ministries and concerned authorities.

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